Really... who are we fooling. Do we serious believe that if we do x, then y and z will always follow because we want it to? Sometimes, the car breaks down at an inopportune time, someone extremely slow creeps their way into your lane while you're in a hurry... the computer crashes while you're trying to finish that last piece of your assignment(or type your blog, the irony!)... You name it, it happens, and the unfortunate realization (or fortunate depending on how you look at it) is we control none of it.. absolutely nothing. The only thing we have any real control over is the way we think.
Somewhere we mistakenly began to believe that we could control things, events and people. Maybe it was all that alone time with Barbie(or those little green army men) that fooled us into believing people would behave the way we desire. Whatever the cause, the cure is a full submission to the Master of the Universe... the Divine Creator that controls all, but still allows you to make your own decisions (how's that for discipline?) I read a wonderful book that you've probably heard of, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. He has a chapter in the book that discusses how we have a circle of influence. There is only so much that we can change and the quicker we come to that realization, the more effective as a human being we will become.
It is tempting to fall into manipulative and controlling behavior when we are fearful and feeling insecure. Real growth is recognizing what triggers this behavior, how it feels, and stepping out of the illusion. No matter what is going on, I cannot puppeteer the world to march to my drum. I can only control my own thoughts. So let us work consciously on disciplining our minds to release the things that are out of our control. I think in the end, it will make us a lot less stressful. I'll let you know how it all turns out. You let me know how it works for you.
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