I've been doing a lot of meditating lately. Thinking about what it means to be a believer, and how a believer lives, and if my life looks like that of a believer. I've been meditating on my goals, and the things I wish to accomplish and wondering how those things will look through the lens of a believer. I am a singer and a poet, but I don't believe that I do "Christian" music, at least not in the traditional sense. The songs I write, have written and continue to conceptualize doesn't say Jesus in every stanza... but I've always believed that if I use my gift in a respectable way, and if I am creative and true to my beliefs, then the very utilization of that gift is honoring the Most High.
Fast forward to today. I'm in my lab tech class, and we're talking about Christianity and Culture. It makes me think of what's been rolling around in my brain. I recognize that I am a version of the Everything Christian... meaning, I feel that everything I do can potentially bring glory to God. I believe that it is not the location that makes a thing sacred, but the presence that travels with us that makes a thing sacred. Meaning, a meditation in the park on a 60 degree day is church, it's an opportunity to reflect on and worship God.
All these musings bring me back to the same scripture that is hanging out in my left ear right now. "What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy--full of greed and self-indulgence! You blind Pharisee! First wash the inside of the cup and the dish, and then the outside will become clean, too." We as believers who call ourselves Christians become so enamored with the outside of the cup. We focus on things of surface without really searching on the inside to see what's the cause of our outer behaviours. Jesus said if we love him, we'll keep his commandments. That's where it starts, that's how I take away the fragments... the parts of me that are minister, artist and entrepreneur and end the schizophrenic search for what is "right" and begin to learn to just "BE".
I believe the hardest thing for us to do is just "BE" But I also believe the beginning of being starts from the inside, and the foundation of being is to love God, to follow the lead of Christ and walk in our divinity and humanity in a way that glorifies our Father in Heaven. I'm digging deep and looking within, I hope you will too! Peace and love! Selah